E-9, Anna Nagar East, Chennai - 600 102 044 2626 2816 vcw@valliammal.edu.in


Attendance is compulsory on the reopening day and the last working day of each semester. Students should attend classes regularly and punctually. Each student requires a minimum aggregate attendance of 85% to appear in the University examinations. Science students should have 85% attendance in the practical classes also. Condonation for deficiency of attendance will not be encouraged. Students are not permitted to leave the campus without the permission of the Principal.

Leave of Absence

Application for leave of absence duly signed by Parent/Guardian should be submitted to the Head of the Department well in advance. Under unforeseen circumstance the leave letter should be produced the next day. Leave availed on medical grounds should be accompanied by a Medical Certificate.

Identity Card

Students should wear their Identity Card all the time while in the campus.

Dress Code

Students are expected to uphold the principles of dignity and decorum in their dress and demeanour. They must dress modestly in Churidhars (Sleeved long top with Dupatta) or in saree with sleeved blouse.

Tests and Examinations

The College conducts end semester examinations apart from the monthly tests. Disciplinary action will be taken against students who resort to malpractices during examinations and who absent themselves for the same.


The students should exercise all possible caution while handling the laboratory equipment, chemicals, computers etc. Any breakage or damage should be reported to the staff concerned immediately. Breakage fines both for the individual student and for the class will be collected at the end of each academic year.

Bonafide Certificate

Student can forward the application for Bonafide Certificate to the Principal through the respective class in charge. Bonafide Certificate will be issued within 3 days from the date of request.

Mobile Phones


Transfer Certificate

Students who wish to take Transfer Certificate in the middle of the course will have to give an application in writing with the consent of the parents to the Principal. Transfer Certificate will be issued only after 15 days from the date of requisition. Students should come personally and sign the register concerned while receiving the Transfer Certificate. If the student does not adhere to the rules and regulations of the College, Transfer Certificate will be issued immediately.

Co-curricular Activities

Physical education is compulsory for I and II year students. Students who complete minimum attendance of 40 hrs in a year will get a credit. Facilities are offered to encourage students to take part in various outdoor / indoor events, track and field events.