Green Environment Club
Green Environment Club
Green Environment Club
Green Environment living vibes was founded with a simple mission in mind in order to help people live more sustainably and in harmony with nature. We believe that every small step we take towards a greener lifestyle can make a huge difference in preserving our planet for future generations. Hence the students of the college are involved in planting saplings around and in promoting planting of saplings in the college and in their homes. Our aim is to empower and inspire our students to adopt eco-friendly habits and practices in their everyday lives. Our students’ team is made up of passionate environmentalists, who are committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise with the world. The college is itself an example of Green Environment and the principal of the institution propagates conserving and Green Environment.
Wealth out of Waste competition was to nurture students' creativity
Eco – Friendly Ganeshas
Plant Trees and make Earth Greener