Information Science
Information Science
Department of Information Science
The library spread over an area of 3045 sq. ft has 30,000 volumes of scholarly works, reference materials, periodicals, academic journals and newspapers. It is equipped with OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) and has computers with LAN facility. The library provides access to e-books and full text e-journals. This facilitates scholarship and research amidst staff and students. Library is fully automated with AUTOLIB Library Management Software for easy navigation of books and journals. Apart from the main Library, departments maintain their own libraries for the benefit of the staff and students. The entire collection has been classified, catalogued and the racks are arranged according to the depth classification. Any user can find the needed document just by following the classification of racks. However, assistance is provided to both teaching and student community to locate the document and with proper guidance rendered by the library staff.
The library is equipped with facilities like
- OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue)
- Job and Competitive Exam Alerts
- Question Bank – (Bound and e-format)
- Internet Browsing Downloading Facility
- Online Resources
- E- Articles – available with OPAC
- Institutional Membership with British Council Library and University of Madras Library.

Library Rules
- The library is open from 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on all working days.
- UG students can borrow one book and PG students can borrow two books from the library for a period of 1 week.
- Students who borrow books should sign in the issue register and should return the books on or before the due date failing which, a fine of Rs.1/- will be collected per day, per book for the period of delay.
- The librarian may recall any book at any time even before the due date.
- No reference book shall be lent.
- Students should carefully handle books, periodicals and journals. If a book is lost or damaged, the student is responsible for it and shall replace the book or pay the cost of a new copy. In addition to it, as penalty, the student will be temporarily debarred for a month from borrowing books.
- Students should not make any writing, marking, or underlining in the library books. Severe action would be taken against the students who mutilate the books.
- Students should not transfer or exchange books without the permission of the librarian.
- Students should maintain perfect silence in the library.
- Facilities to reserve a book exist
- Selective dissemination of information is provided to the students and the faculty on the request basis.
- New books purchased to the library are displayed on new arrival rack for the information to the users.
- Question bank of previous examinations pertaining to all semesters is available in the library.
- Reference section is the pride of the library.
- Information on competitive examinations and employment opportunities exist.
- College is a member of
- NDL (National Digital Library)
- British Council Library
Library Rules
Dr. D.Pradeepa B.Litt.,M.LISC.,Ph.D.