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The objectives of the Students' Council are:
To uphold, work for and implement the ideals of the College in a befitting manner by organising programmes which have the prior sanction of the Principal.To foster and promote good and cordial relations between the students and the teaching staff. To promote healthy and responsible participation in extra curricular activities. To encourage constructive discussion of student affairs with a view to the general welfare and well-being of the student body.

The officers of the Students' Council are: the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, General Secretary and Cultural Secretaries (Arts and Science).They are elected by the Undergraduate and Post-graduate students by secret ballot from among nominated candidates. They are elected at the end of each academic year for the following year.

The class representatives are elected by their respective classes at the beginning of the academic year. Together they form the College Union Council. Those entrusted with the responsibility of an office in the College should endeavour to prove themselves worthy of their task.

They should never forget that, in a great measure, the spirit of the student body depends on their leadership. They should, therefore, be an example of loyalty and devoted service to their fellow students. They should work closely with the College authorities, proving themselves helpful and co-operative as true Valliammal . The class representatives are responsible for the order and discipline of the class.

The College looks to the senior students in particular, to uphold the standards and traditions of Valliammal and serve as a constant example to their juniors.
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